DW Spring Event (Arkansas)
Gather your friends and come together to connect at the state level with other groups from across your state. Plan to make a morning of it while you learn about […]
Gather your friends and come together to connect at the state level with other groups from across your state. Plan to make a morning of it while you learn about […]
Magnolia Camp and Conference will be IN-PERSON this June 19-24 at Seashore United Methodist Assembly. Josie McClorine is working to direct our event filled with meaningful lessons, discussions, and activities […]
There will never be a time when churches will not have to consider what's next, who is next, who it will be next, where is our next, and how do we […]
The 134th Annual MCMC will be held July 20-22, 2023. The theme is “It Makes a Difference When Jesus is in the House,” Isaiah 9:6 and Mark 2: 1,17, What A […]
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada is excited to announce the 2023 General Assembly in Louisville, Kentucky, July 29-August 1! It will be the […]
Stay tuned for more information.
Register here: https://grrdisciples.regfox.com/2023-grrdw-fall-retreat
Register here: https://grrdisciples.regfox.com/2023-disciples-men-fall-retreat
Register Here:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtduirqzsqG9wkN3HER3LmrLEKngpMuNUr