(Regional Committee on Ministry)

2024 RCOM Team Members

The Regional Committee on the Ministry (RCOM) of the Great River Region (GRR) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) works with candidates for ministry and their sponsoring congregations or bodies to see that those who feel called into ministry are prepared and qualified to serve and have the skills, education and experience to equip them for relevant, fruitful ministry. RCOM works in accordance with the Policies and Criteria for the Order of Ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). RCOM acts on behalf of the GRR in matters pertaining to the care and nurture of ministerial candidates and certification for ordination, commissioning, and ministerial standing. This process is the joint responsibility of the candidate, congregation, and region, and therefore requires a willingness of all three partners to invest in the process. 

Click here to read the Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Upcoming Meetings

June 5-6 2024
TBA, Mississippi

October 9-10, 2024
Little Rock, Arkansas

February 2025
TBA, Louisiana

Upcoming Trainings

Information on upcoming trainings will be listed below.

Disciples of Christ
History & Polity

Stay Tuned for upcoming History and Polity offerings from Theological Seminaries. 

Healthy Boundaries

A training was held in July of 2024. Stay tuned for the next training opportunity.

The Great River Region usually offers this once a year. A minimum five hour training is required for Standing purposes. 

Required every five years
for Clergy Standing

Pro-Reconciliation/ Anti-Racism

Facilitator Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker



AUGUST 10, 2024

 9 AM – 3 PM.

The Great River Region usually offers this once a year. A minimum five hour training is required for Standing purposes.

Required every five years
for Clergy Standing