Special Offerings
Disciples Mission Fund Special Day Offerings provide an opportunity to highlight specific ministries as part of our faith celebrations. There are four Disciples Mission Fund Special Day Offerings received each year during Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons. Congregations can receive these offerings during worship or budget for a special gift, and individuals can always designate their gift to DMF for any of these offerings.

The Easter Offering supports General Ministries of the Church. General ministries serve across the United States and Canada, and around the world. General Ministries also partner in ministry with a variety of far-reaching and unique organizations.

The Pentecost Offering supports Disciples new church development. Planning, nurturing and sustaining new congregation is part of the Disciples’ vision. This offering supports the specialized ministry of new church development through both regional and general programs. Gifts for this offering are divided equally between the region in which they’re given and the New Church Ministry.

The Thanksgiving Offering supports Disciples colleges, universities and theological institutions. Disciples have a long history of post-secondary and theological education. This offering provides a direct connection to 15 colleges and universities, 7 seminaries and theological programs. Gifts from this offering continue the Disciples tradition of developing leaders for our communities and the Church.

The Christmas Offering supports regional ministries. In 31 regions across the United States and Canada, ministers are nurtured and congregations are provided opportunities for work and worship. Often recognized for the ministries of camps and conferences, regions also play a critical role in the preparation and authorization of ministerial ordination. Both are key to church leadership and development. Regions partner with congregations to support the work required to call a new minister.
Special Mission Fund Offerings
Two other Special Mission Fund Offerings are received each year to support specific ministries doing critical work. Visit their websites for more information and worship resources to support their offerings.
- Week of Compassion
- Leads the relief, refugee, and development work of the Church
- Received in many congregations on the last two Sundays of February
- Reconciliation Ministry
- Leads the pro-reconciliation/anti-racism work of the Church
- Received in many congregations on the last Sunday of September and the first Sunday of October