As members of the search committee for our next regional minister, we are keenly aware that finding someone who could be all things to all people is an arduous task at best, if not impossible. But with the information gathered through the surveys, we can hope to find someone who closely matches our diverse strengths. A person who is aware of our negatives or weaknesses, and can quickly begin to turn them in a positive direction. A person who can address all diverse concerns and have the meaningful conversations that will move our region into a power driven future for the glory of God. Amen and Ase. This prayer was written by search committee member, Carol Byrnes from Mississippi. We begin each meeting or correspondence with this prayer. We invite you to join us in prayer, but also in ACTION by completing the Settled Executive Regional Minister Profile Survey or by offering your feedback via Zoom Gatherings each Wednesday in February at 6pm. Link to Survey: Link to Zoom Gathering: If you would like to speak with a committee member personally, here is a list of members and their emails for you convenience. Lucretia Woods – Carol Byrnes – Rev. DC Sills – Norweida Spencer – Rev. Ellis Robinson – Rev. Jay Hoyt – Rev. Donna Rountree – We thank you in advance for your PRAYERS and your ACTION. May this day and all days bring you peace. Grace & Peace, Rev. DC Sills SERM Committee Chair |