There will be a morning(11:30 am) and evening check-in(6:00 pm). Contact the Regional Office if you need the zoom link.
We want to invite you to our second annual Blue Christmas Service. This event will be held via Zoom on Thursday, December 8, 2022. Rev. Dr. Nearline Anderson, Associate Regional Minister for Mississippi, will lead us in a service of healing, peace, and comfort for family and friends experiencing grief during this season. Use the […]
Click here to register Bring your favorite cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa as we dialog about how we live our lives through covenantal relationships in all expressions of the church! Let’s keep it simple, no stress, no dressing up. Make sure to share the link with your congregation! We want to hear your […]
Click here to Register
Gather your friends and come together to connect at the state level with other groups from across your state. Plan to make a morning of it while you learn about the programs and service projects for each state and the Region. Registration is on-site. You may also email with your intent to attend. Hybrid […]
Gather your friends and come together to connect at the state level with other groups from across your state. Plan to make a morning of it while you learn about the programs and service projects for each state and the Region. Registration is on-site. You may also email with your intent to attend. There […]