DW Spring Event (Arkansas)

Gather your friends and come together to connect at the state level with other groups from across your state. Plan to make a morning of it while you learn about the programs and service projects for each state and the Region. Registration is on-site. You may also email kristen@grrdisciples.org with your intent to attend. There […]

Magnolia Camp & Conference

Magnolia Camp and Conference will be IN-PERSON this June 19-24 at Seashore United Methodist Assembly. Josie McClorine is working to direct our event filled with meaningful lessons, discussions, and activities to strengthen the faith journey of our Mississippi Youth who have just completed grades K-12. More information on how to register will follow.

134th Annual MCMC Pre-Event

There will never be a time when churches will not have to consider what's next, who is next, who it will be next, where is our next, and how do we get to the next. The challenge is that most churches have not been able to explore their next beyond reviewing and repeating what worked in […]

134th Annual MCMC

The 134th Annual MCMC will be held July 20-22, 2023. The theme is “It Makes a Difference When Jesus is in the House,” Isaiah 9:6 and Mark 2: 1,17, What A Fellowship. New Generation Fellowship and FCC Mosspoint are co-hosting the event. Rev. Monique Crain Spells, Executive for the Office of Christian Education/Faith Formation, will do the […]

General Assembly

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada is excited to announce the 2023 General Assembly in Louisville, Kentucky, July 29-August 1! It will be the first time in four years the church as a whole has gathered.

Disciples Men Retreat

Register here: https://grrdisciples.regfox.com/2023-disciples-men-fall-retreat

Boundaries Training

Register Here:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtduirqzsqG9wkN3HER3LmrLEKngpMuNUr  


Kings Highway Christian Church 806 Kings Hwy, Shreveport, LA 71104