“Are You Excited?”

During the last couple of months, upon learning that I was being called to serve as the Interim Regional Minister of the Great River Region,  people would enthusiastically ask, “Are […]

“Hello, Goodbye”

Reading Chapter 1 of Acts, brings to mind the Beatles song Hello, Goodbye.  The one that goes, “You say goodbye, I say hello. I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say […]


Sunday, May 5, 2024 is Mental Health Awareness Sunday. It is an important day to highlight the on-going Mental Health Challenges facing our communities. Straight from the National Alliance on […]

“The Point of No Return”

While we are about two weeks out from Easter, I still have images in my mind from readings during the Lenten fast. Christians who practice this discipline know that it’s […]

The Movement

. Hey y’all! Sam Hubbard here…the Movement (and Holy Mischief) Maker for Just Love – Greater New Orleans. We are just getting things going down here in the “Big Easy,” […]

A Christmas Meditation


Thanksgiving Reflection

Thankfulness Psalm 100 “ Get On your feet now – applaud God!  Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.  Know this:  God is God, and God, God.  […]

A Reflection on Women in Ministry

http://Reflection of WomenThere was also a presentation on Breast Cancer Awareness.  Ms. Mercy Calys-Tagge, from the Barnabas Anglican Church in Osu facilitated the presentation.  She shared that women in the […]

Elmina Castle Reflection

“Silence, if you respond to a little bit of it sort of hides.  But if you remain open, then it reveals more”[i] Today was a day of reflecting at the […]